
Welcome to the Curmudgeon Chronicles, my personal website and literary outlet. I hope that you will visit often to read my essays and opinion articles.

If you are wondering about the genesis of the Chronicles, perhaps a little information about me and my background is in order. In short, I am a senior, technical professional, a mechanical engineer by education and a medical product development specialist by vocation. During my career, I have discovered that I am a compulsive writer, with, according to some, a talent for the activity.

Over the years, I have been called on to author procedures, technical bulletins, business plans, regulatory approval submissions and many other business related documents. I have also authored several articles that were published in equine magazines and on-line writers forums. I am a prolific Letter to the Editor writer, having over 100 letters printed in four different newspapers, on subjects ranging from telemarketing to medical insurance issues.

My technical working career is now coming to an end as I close in on the golden, retirement period of my life, and it would seem as though writing can and should take a more prominent role in my activities.

My work has been read by many people, relatives, friends and strangers, and it is their comments that have prompted me to initiate this web site activity (in addition to my own vanity).

I hope you will bookmark this site and check in often, hopefully to enjoy, or learn, or simply to make me feel good. Your comments and suggestions will be appreciated, so feel free to write and express your views and opinions.

Thanks for visiting, Vic


Someone asked me recently why I write these pieces. Its a good question. There are 4 basic reasons, I think.

One, speaking honestly, it really is an ego trip. There's a great deal of satisfaction in seeing your name and thoughts in print and receiving feedback, positive or negative.

Two, ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you that I am opinionated. I admit that. Writing gives me the chance to speak my mind and express my opinions, popular or not, to many more people than I could ever speak with personally.

Three, I generally write about things that I feel we can or should do something about, something that I think needs improving or changing or understanding and about which I have strong feelings. I look at my articles as literary "Start" buttons, that hopefully will get others thinking and acting to promote those improvements or changes in the future.

Four, I have reached the "Grouchy Old Man" stage in life where my patience is wearing thin and my stamina and time are not what they used to be. Writing is a way to express my thoughts and opinions and get some satisfaction for trying.

It seems to me that there are too many people willing to sit back and let someone else do it. If we all sit back and wait for that to happen, chances are either nothing will happen or things will get worse. Generally speaking, nature forces things downhill, not up!

My written work covers a wide variety of topics, in a number of forms. Somewhere along the way, I started to use the phrase "Thoughts and Ponderments", as a catchall title for the category or genre which best describes many of my articles. I know that "ponderments" is not a Webster's orFunk & Wagnalls listed word, but I believe that it is the best word to describe some of my essays and observations. I not only want the reader to think about the written word, but to ponder the many avenues of thought that are generated and to consider, analyze and evaluate what Ive said.

Another created title is the word "Simstamees". No, it's not an American Indian word, it's simply a misspelled, incorrect contraction of the phrase, "Seems to me". Years ago, I heard someone say that they liked the phrase, Seems to me...., because it allowed them to say what they think without being firm or committed, that it gave them the option to change their minds. I never forgot that thought and decided that some of my pieces were like that. Things I wanted to say, but wouldn't bet the farm on.

So, I have called one of my pages, Thoughts & Ponderments and another Simstamees!.

You'll understand why after reading some of the pieces on each page.


Victor F. Banko Feb.6, 2004 (C)
