
(Note: The following letter was sent to then Pres. Elect Obama in November, 2008. I never received a reply. I thought
you might find it interesting,)
I’m a 71 year old, white male, in the final stages of therapy and surgery
for colorectal cancer, a 5 month widower, and a senior living on a fixed income. My wife of 47 years, Barbara passed away
suddenly and unexpectedly on the morning of Father’s Day. Now the economy and a good portion of my savings have taken
a steep dive. It’s been one heckuva year! That pretty much tells you who and what I am except that I, like millions
of other Americans, have watched helplessly as my “nest egg” shrinks.
With all that in mind, I feel I have the right to speak my piece.
First, let me admit that I did not vote for you. It’s not because you’re
black and I’m white and I am not a racist. In fact, if Condaleezza Rice or Colin Powell were the candidate, I would
have voted for them. I am a true independent.
Obviously, you will have what may be a long and difficult struggle before you.
There’s the state of the economy, terrorism, illegal immigration, the Iraq
war, the situation in Afghanistan, unemployment,
and….well, I think you get the point. It’s not going to be easy.
In addition, there are several problems which may seem insignificant in light
of the above, but which, I believe, have an impact on our country’s security.
One thing that concerns me is what I see as a major homeland devisiveness,
an internal conflict that may be as troubling as any of the above, and yet, no one seems to be doing anything about it. I
think that you may be the perfect man to evaluate these issues and start to do something to control them.
From my point of view, I see a new and distinct devisive change occurring in
the U.S. Back when I was a young, growing
up in a major NJ city, there was definitely a social division around me. Back then, it was a black/white demarcation. There
were very few Hispanics. Since then, in spite of what many activists on both
sides preach, it would seem that things were getter better, at least for a while.
Now however, it would appear that we are tacitly approving this new activity,
the hyphenization of the U.S. That’s
how I refer to it. Some where along the line, the use of hyphens in describing the ethnicity or geographical background of
people by referring to them using hyphenated titles such as African-American , or Hispanic-American, or Asian- American. Strangely,
you rarely if ever hear references to a Euro-American.
I have written about this a number of times before. Men much smarter and more
influential than I have raised this issue as well. It also occurs to me that you may be the ideal man to curb this behavior
before it gets out of control. With all due respect to the ACLU, the ultra-liberals, and other radical behaviorists, this
devisive activity must be controlled, if not curtailed before it is too late.
The first item is the use of hyphenated-descriptions. I don’t know why
the hyphenated descriptors are necessary in most cases. Many times they aren’t totally accurate. Take your own case
for example. You are being hailed as the first African-American, or black American to be elected president of this great country.
But you are not a true African American. You are bi-racial. You are half white. In addition, you were born in Hawaii. But it would be ludicrous to say that a half African-half white-Hawaiian-American
was elected. Why not just an American? It’s not far fetched to think that many white Americans may be a bit slighted
at this seeming denial of your white heritage. Isn’t that devisive?
Personally, I feel that this hyphenating practice is counter productive. It
hints at a split loyalty to America and
the other homelands. I am an American of Slovak descent, not a Slovak-American. Like many of the others, I have never been
to the country of my ancestors, although I would like to visit there one day. My allegiance is totally to the U.S., not split between two countries. One can only wonder
about some of the African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans that demonstrate so vocally against our country.
I have been appalled in recent times when I see Hispanics flying the flags
of their native countries top most on the mast, while flying our flag upside down. Where do you think their loyalties lie?
And no matter how you feel about Rev. White, Bill Ayers, and others with their mentality, they are being devisive as well.
In short, it seems to me that something must be done to put the brakes on the
use of hyphenated names. It isn’t inconceivable that the United States
will become the Divided States with the country being split into 5 or 6 factions; African-America, Hispanic-America, Asian-America,
Euro-America, Native-America, and others.
I don’t know about you but this is a real concern to me!
Illegal immigration is a major social and economic problem for the country.
Judging by the numbers of aliens, legal and illegal, standing on street corners in virtually every town and city in the country,
there is not enough work to go around. We do not “need” these laborers to do jobs citizens won’t or can’t
do. Those days are long gone. Based on the recent terrible downturn in the economy, I think there will be many more Americans,
not only willing to do these jobs, but required to because of the job losses, savings depletions, etc. I believe that as President
you have a duty to slow down and stop the influx of illegals. It doesn’t matter how you do it, border fence, deportations,
etc, it must be done. If we don’t control illegal immigration, how do we know who is entering the country and why? It’s
safe to say that most of the South and Central American countries welcome the opportunity to let their troublemakers and criminals
slip out of their countries. But we welcome them with open arms.
Secondly, language is the tie that binds any successful nation. Countries or
groups of countries that speak many languages cannot have the same unity and patriotism as those that speak one language.
Consider the demise of the old USSR. Part
of the reason for the breakup of the union is that there was no single language that bound the various segments of the Soviet Union together. Each was loyal primarily to their own homeland. Perhaps the breakup was inevitable.
Consider Europe as an entity. Each country
speaks its own language. True! Many Europeans speak several languages but each is totally loyal to his or her homeland. Many
of these countries have been able to settle on a unified monetary system the Euro, but language is still a dividing issue.
Here in the U.S., we are
catering to the language spoken primarily in Central and South America, the very areas that
send us the majority of illegal aliens. This has never been done in the past history of our country. Except for local areas
and neighborhoods, English has always been the primary language of the land. Except for recent years! It’s not that
we do not want a multilingual nation. Simply put, it is divisive to become a bilingual nation with Spanish becoming as prevalent
and important as English. That is wrong. It’s time to make English our official national language.
Finally, and still related to the immigration problem, is the 14th
Amendment to the Constitution. The following is taken from www.americanresistance.com a web site that is no longer active. I have no idea about who or what this group is and I don’t endorse them in any
way but these comments fairly accurately outline the intent of the 14th Amendment.
“The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to
protect the rights of native-born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves. In 1866, Senator
Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment by writing:
"Every person
born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction,
is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States.
This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who
are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the
United States, but will include every
other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not
citizens of the United States. This has
long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country."
The original intent of the 14th Amendment was clearly
not to facilitate illegal aliens defying U.S.
law at taxpayer expense. Current estimates indicate there may be over 300,000 anchor babies born each year in the U.S., thus causing illegal alien mothers to add more to the U.S. population each year than immigration from all sources in an average year
before 1965.
The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is
that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby.”
I for one wonder about the wisdom of
allowing these alien babies full citizenship simply because they are born on USA
soil. It seems to me that some may be bred and reared by parents with anti American feelings and some may even grow to adulthood
while being trained as part of sleeper cells, Even if there is only one in a thousand births that end up that way, isn’t
that one too many. Look what just happened in Mumbai with only ten known terrorists! I personally cannot understand the logic
of allowing the “anchor baby” loophole to exist.
As I said earlier, Pres. Elect Obama.
I know you are faced with challenges that are unprecedented in American history, except perhaps in the days and months preceding
the Revolution, but the problems I’ve tried to relate to you are very real to many Americans, of all colors, races,
religions, and financial status. We are concerned because we see our countries unity and security being undermined and compromised.
It’s time to forget political loyalties, and forget potential future votes. Look what is happening today. The last time
I visited Chicago, your own home turf only a year or so ago, I was passed on a busy avenue by a mini convoy of cars, playing
Latino music much too loud and flying the Mexican flags from their vehicles. It was some sort of demonstration. Not an American
flag was in sight. I propose to you that I would be issued a summons if I did that in my town.
In short, please take this correspondence
seriously. I am a truly concerned, and very independent, American citizen. I doubt that it will reach your desk but if it
does, please understand that many Americans are concerned about this issue as much as the others on your upcoming agenda.
Did you ever notice the TV ads that are trying to raise money
for various charities?
Especially around this time of year, the holidays, there is a
push on to raise money for many different charities. In the last week alone, I’ve seen spots that were stressing starving,
abused animals, disabled, wounded warriors, poor starving children in third world countries, poor people in Israel, and several other worthy causes.
The ads really tug at your heart strings. They show the seriously
wounded veterans with missing limbs. They depict starving families in Israel and third world countries. They show starving, emaciated,
and mutilated cats and dogs. It truly is sad. .
I don’t question the need for charity. That’s not
the crux of this article.
What gets my attention is the fact that almost every one of these
spots asks for only $19 a month, 63 cents a day.
I really wonder how they arrived at those figures. After all,
it would take thousands, even millions of donors, to make a real difference.
I recently saw a SNL skit lampooning these ads. The narrator was
speaking in a somber and serious voice, as he walked through what seemed to be a very poor village somewhere in Africa. There were a few natives doing some menial tasks. The narrator stressed the 63 cents a day,
$19 a month, several times. All of a sudden the natives started telling him to ask for more. They were asking him what you
could get for 63 cents a day. Anyway, I found the skit funny.
Oh, I know they not relying on one donor. They want millions.
But I still have to wonder, how did they arrive at those numbers?
I’m sure that you have all seen the TV commercial for those products
that “are only sold on TV.” Well we all know that’s not true since many stores, including the drug chains,
now have aisles with that heading. They all seem to follow the same script. Somewhere they will say “But wait! If you
call right now, etc.”
I have seen these ads for everything from garden hoses, to caulking compounds,
to pillows, to sunglasses, to pillows, etc, etc. It really makes one wonder! If you can make all these deals, what kind of
quality do these products have?
The thing that gets me is that the announcers are always loud, and they always
end up saying “But wait!. If you order right now and use promo code XYZ, we’ll send you 2. That’s like getting
one free. All you have to do is pay separate shipping and handling.”
I must admit, I have never, ever ordered something off a TV commercial. But
I do wonder about the 2 for 1 offer.
It seems to me that the only way that makes fiscal sense is if the cost of
the first unit is high enough to cover the second, which means that it is overpriced, or that they are over stocked due to
lack of sales, or that the cost of shipping and handling actually covers the cost of the second unit, or a combination of
the three.
I must admit, it’s a great marketing gimmick but I’m not sold.
The news lately has been filled with stories about Ebola, enterovirus,
TB, measles, and even polio. According to the CDC, 2014 is a record year for measles and reports indicate an increase in TB
cases out west. Enterovirus has already claimed the lives of several children and Ebola has been a headline story for weeks.
Measles, TB, and mumps are diseases that we have had under control for years. Why has there been this upswing in cases?
All this got me to thinking! We now live in a very small world.
International travel is easy and practical. Coming to the United States
is much simpler than in years past. There is no Ellis Island where immigrants were screened
and quarantined if necessary. Based on recent events with travelers from West Africa, the
current travel requirements are not working. One person, now dead, came in from Liberia
by way of Brussels. Apparently the main test for entering
the country was a non contact temperature test and filling out a questionnaire. Wow! How could anything go wrong! Since that
first case, there have been several other suspected and real cases in the US.
All this got me to thinking!
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) have been a concern for many
years. Generally, when we think of WMD’s, we think of nuclear bombs, poison gases, etc. They have been around and have
been used for years, particularly in the mid East. Depending on who you ask, we have either been very lucky or extremely vigilant
since we have not had a major problem as yet.
However, we have had terrorist activities, notably the World Trade
Center, Pentagon, and Pennsylvania attacks on September
11, 2001. We have become much more vigilant to these sorts of attacks. There are people in the world that hate us. Call them
al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, ISIL, or whatever you want. They are radical Islamists, fanatical
Muslims, or simply evil people that like to kill. They find glory in blowing themselves up in order to kill others. They don’t
care if it’s in a mall, a shrine, or a restaurant. They don’t care if they kill children or adults. They seem
to delight in beheadings.These people are not easy to identify and obviously many are already here on our soil.
But we should remember that our borders still remain wide open
and vulnerable to illegal crossings, mostly from the south. Recall that recently over 60,000 young people and guardians came
over the Mexican border from third world countries and are now being “cared for” by US taxpayers in cities throughout
the country. I can’t help but wonder how many were “sick” with measles, TB, etc.
In addition, our entry criteria for coming into the country seems
to be very lax. Witness the influx of people coming from West Africa in spite of the Ebola
crisis there. They have come in on direct flights and via European countries.
So after all this, I wonder if we should modify our definition
of WMD’s to include disease. After all, if these people are fanatic enough to blow themselves up in the interests of
jihad, and evil enough to behead innocent people, some of whom were there to help them, why wouldn’t they infect themselves
with Ebola or other dangerous viruses? Then they could travel to the US,
legally before symptoms, or illegally across our southern border.
Just a thought!
(A while back, I wrote a piece called “Give Me My Ball”.
This is a follow up piece.)
Remember when you were a kid playing street games? There always
seemed to be one kid who got really upset when the game wasn’t going his way. Unhappily, he would grab the ball, if
it was his, and say “I’m taking my ball and going home!”
Usually, it was because he was losing or didn’t get on a
team with better players. He didn’t do it because he didn’t like the game. He did it because he didn’t get
his way.
I think we’re seeing a similar action in today’s Washington DC activities.
Remember back in early 2009 the verbal duels between the Democrats
and Republicans regarding Obama’s proposed stimulus and finance packages. It basically ended when the President said
“I won!” He was going home with his ball.
Now, it’s November of 2014 shortly after the mid term elections.
In case you’ve been sequestered in a cave, you should know that the GOP won, big time. In fact one representative called
it an old fashioned “ass whoopin”. Another called it a massacre.
At last count the GOP picked up 8 seats in the senate with Louisiana
needing a runoff in December. The Democrats had a 53 to 45 advantage in the senate and now the GOP has a 53 to 44 lead assuming
2 independents caucus with the Dems and the runoff is still pending.
Similarly, the GOP took 36 of the state governor seats.
So what happens now? It seems that the President has forgotten
his bragging that he won in 2009. When faced with all this GOP opposition, what does he say? I will do everything I can to
get what I want. I will use the veto power and executive privilege.
In other words, if I don’t get what I want, I’m taking
the ball and going home, to the White House that is.
Remember the old saying “Never bite off more than you can
Western Africa is currently experiencing
the worst outbreak of Ebola since it was first seen. Nigeria, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Senegal are all seeing major outbreaks.
President Obama announced today that we would be sending 3000
of our military to western Africa to assist in the logistics of fighting the Ebola virus
epidemic. He also is asking for 1 billion dollars to support the effort saying that it is a global terrorism threat.
Now, I don’t have a problem with doing anything possible
to stem the growth of this epidemic. I just wonder why the US
has to lead the charge. What about the UN? What about the other countries in south and north Africa that are much closer to
this viral catastrophe? What about the countries in southern Europe, like Italy,
Greece, Portugal and
Spain? They are all closer than we, just
to the north, across the Mediterranean. Where are their contributions? Why is it always the
US when most of these areas don’t
support us in our times of need, like Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy? How about all the forest fires currently burning in California? Why hasn’t the president even commented on them?
The US
currently has a national debt over $17 trillion and rapidly nearing $18 trillion. All this additional spending is in itself
a major security threat. It must be not only controlled, but reduced. Additionally, while you are asking to protect the world
from Ebola, you’ve done nothing to seal off a major threat to us, the southern border. There are literally tens of thousands
of illegal children that have come into the country from disease stricken country. All of a sudden we have a major respiratory
breakout and a measles breakout, both of which have been controlled for years, if not decades. God knows how many other illegals
have crossed the border. Do something about protecting us Mr. President,
Bottom line is that you have enough to take of here within our
borders. I’m not saying we can’t help others in their times of need. What I am saying is let the United Nations
and other relevant countries take the lead. Don’t bite off more than we Americans can chew!
Post script 1: I just read on the news that at least 8 members
of a health education team that went to Guinea
to educate the villagers about Ebola were murdered and their bodies dumped in the village latrine. This was done by the very
villagers they went to help.
Post script 2: The first case of Ebola in the US was just found in Dallas.
A man recently traveling from Liberia
checked into a hospital there with symptoms. Perhaps more effort should be made into isolating the hubs of the disease in
West Africa!
Post script 3: It was just announced today that 71 illegal aliens
have crossed our border with Mexico that came from the Ebola hub in Western Africa,
I understand the need to stop Ebola at ground zero, but not at
the cost of jeopardizing ground US.
border security has been the subject of debate and discussion for many years, both in the general public and in the legislative
venues, but little effective measures have been taken. When over 60,000 children can make it across our southern border with
Mexico, how easy do you think it can be
for a few dedicated terrorists?
I don’t have the solution. I’m not a security expert,
but certainly more can be done, no, more must be done. But I really wonder about this administrations commitment to that end.
Hell, they haven’t even had discussions with the Mexicans about the jailed marine they have held captive for months.
We impose all sorts of trade and financial restrictions on other countries that are unfriendly to the US. I think it’s time to add Mexico to that list. That might just give them an incentive to securing their side
of our common border as well as their southern borders.
However, I must tell you that I don’t hold much hope for
any effective action. With all the turmoil going on around the world that affects the US, where is the President. Why, he’s at Camp David
with his family, and one of his daughters’ friends, on a mini vacation. Excuse me but didn’t he just get back
from a Maine vacation? What’s more important to him,”
ICIS or golf? Fund raising or illegal border crossings? Vacations or a marine jailed for months? I’m sorry. I respect
the office but not the man. Do something Mr. President. Start by starting to secure the border.
Oh wait! How can I hope for that when they can’t even stop
someone from jumping the fence and entering the White House. Obviously, they can’t even lock the front door. How can
they secure our borders?
By the way, I wonder if his daughters’ friend is paying
her share for this little jaunt to Camp David or are we taxpayers.
Let me see of I have this straight!
Libyan militants have taken over our evacuated, embassy compound
in Tripoli.
One of our marines has been held captive in Mexico for months, all because he made a wrong turn.
We have three Americans being held captive in North Korea.
We had had several beheadings of Americans by members of ISIS/ISIL
that we know of. There may be more.
We have Putin thumbing his nose at the US and the rest of the free world.
We have had several Americans (???) defect to the Mideast to fight
for ISIS.
The person that beheaded the American journalist, Foley, was probably
a British citizen, a rap artist.
We have a southern border that is as porous as a 100 year old
picket fence.
All this and we are supposed to be the leader of the free world.
When will we learn that we face many problems not the least of which is a fundamentalist, fanatical sect which is our sworn
enemy intent on eliminating us from the world.
While all this is going on our elected leader goes on vacation,
plays golf, etc. etc. He could be, no, should be talking to other world leaders, building coalitions, arranging strategies,
not only to protect and /or free our citizens and protect our assets but he’s too busy attending fund raisers, and private
Mr. Obama, I am trying to be tolerant but you have just made it
much too difficult for me. I just saw you on TV making a plea to increase the minimum wage. Really? With all the problems
we Americans face, you’re talking about the minimum wage. You’re working on global warming? You’re doing
nothing to improve our energy independence.
I really question you’re sense of priorities. It seems to
me that, not unlike Nero fiddling while the world burned, you’re playing politics as the world goes to hell in a handbasket!
It always amazes me how quickly a new catch word or phrase falls
into everyday language. The latest word is “optics”. This is certainly not a new word but it’s being used
improperly by politicians, media, and even the general public.
It is being used to indicate that some action or activity is providing
the wrong image and leading to false impressions. For example, when Pres. Obama played golf minutes after the Foley beheading,
people said it gives bad optics. There are several definitions of the word optics and this isn’t one of them.
Here are 2 accepted definitions.
1. Optics is the scientific study of light and vision.
2. Optics is the branch of physics that deals with light and vision, chiefly the generation, propagation, and detection
of electromagnetic radiation having wavelengths greater than x-rays and shorter than microwaves.
The word is also used in discussing certain eye situations or lenses.
Those are pretty specific. I don’t have a problem with folks using creative words and language, but I do object
to incorrect usage. If you want to say that Pres. Obama playing golf at a critical time gives a bad impression or a bad image,
that’s fine. But it isn’t bad optics. Bad optics is a scratched eye glass lens or a distorted telescope lens.
So lets hope that the media and political spokespersons learn to use the word correctly.
I’m sure that many, if not most, Americans have seen the
highly rated TV show, “The American Idol”. I’ve seen it several times, and for the most part, have enjoyed
it. Particularly when the contestants sing country music or an oldie. In general, they are quite talented or they wouldn’t
be there.
However, I love the English language because it can be manipulated.
For example, just change the word idol to idle and an entirely new impression comes to mind.
Consider a new show called American Idle! Using media like Twitter
or Face Book, people would submit their candidates for the title of American Idle. It might be someone they know in their
neighborhood or family or at work. They would have to submit a rationale for that choice.
What comes to my mind are our representatives in government, particularly
the US Congress and Senate. I try to think
of what good has come out of these groups in recent years and for the life of me, I can’t think of anything. It seems
as though they have been totally unproductive for quite some time.
That’s why I nominate them for the title of American Idle.
Has anyone besides me noticed that the most ludicrous, inane,
nonsensical and downright stupid commercials on TV are those whose sponsors are insurance companies?
One has a small lizard, speaking with an British accent. The themes
in most of their ads are virtually laughable from a common sense point of view. Lately, after saying how fast they respond
to requests for quotes, they respond with “Every body knows that, but did you know….” Then they ask if you
knew that a tree does make noise when it falls in the forest, or that the pyramids were built wrong, or that Pinochio was
a bad motivational speaker. Recently, a commercial had the little lizard doing a Philly cheese steak shuffle. What any of
this has to do with insurance is beyond me.
Another “stars” an actor who claims to be mayhem and
chaos personified. He goes through incidents like falling down stairs, or getting hit by a car, or falling off a roof. In
one spot he’s supposed to be a house cleaner that virtually destroys a home while cleaning it. Again, the relationship
eludes me!
Another begins by showing clients in dangerous situations, like
being attacked by a bear while in their car. All of a sudden the agent shows up in the back seat. They sing out “So
and so insurance company be there”, and they are miraculously transported to a safe zone.
Another company uses a spokeswoman that touts the company’s
many gimmick advantages. Still another shows terrible incidents like dropping a safe out of a second story window onto a parked
car or a man sawing off a large branch that falls on his neighbors car. Yet another company shows a woman’s car getting
rear ended by a car driven by a robot.
It seems like there’s a contest among insurance companies
to come up with the most inane ad. The next time you see an ad that seems totally inappropriate or silly, pay attention. See
if the ad is for an insurance company.
Once again, there’s a movement by a small number of native Americans
to get the name of the Washington Redskins football team
changed. From reports I’ve read about 10% of the native Americans find the name Redskins offensive. The other 90% either
don’t care or are not offended. I kind of like the name and don’t find it racist or offensive. Of course, I’m
not a native American. But I have always felt empathy with them as a people. In fact, as a very young boy, at a time when
many my age picked a nick name, I chose Cochise because I felt he was always depicted as a brave, wise leader of his people.
I also admired Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, made famous by the book “Bury My Heart at Wounded
I can understand why in some cases this phrase is used in a derogatory manner
but in the case of the Redskins football team, I think it expresses nothing but admiration. It’s not as tho’ they
were called Pansies or Cowards. I doubt that the name was chosen to defame native Americans. Rather, I think was meant as
a compliment.
It seems to me that this country is going overboard in political correctness.
The St. John’s University
nickname was forced to change from the Red Men to The Red Storm.
I imagine that there are many more high schools and colleges that have had to do a similar thing.
Imagine if this trend goes to the obvious extreme.
Would there be objections to the names Atlanta
Braves, Cleveland Indians, or Golden
State Warriors? These names were picked out of admiration for native
Americans not to be derisive.
Would atheists start objecting to the New Orleans
Saints, St. Louis Cardinals, or California
Angels names? After all, all three names indicate a religious bent.
Would anti drinking groups object to the Milwaukee
Brewers? Beer drinking is looked upon as a vice in many minds,
Then there’s the Vancouver
Canucks hockey team. Canucks is a term often used to reference French Canadians and is often perceived to be offensive.
I’m sure some height challenged folks might find the name New York or San Francisco Giants offensive.
Perhaps you get my point. The English language is complex and many words are
used in many contexts. Maybe it’s time to get a little tolerant of word use.
Remember when you were a kid playing street games? There always
seemed to be one kid who got really upset when the game wasn’t going his way. Unhappily, he would grab
the ball, if it was his, and say “I’m taking my ball
and going home!”
Usually, it was because he was losing or didn’t get on a
team with better players. He didn’t do it because he didn’t like the game. He did it because he didn’t get
his way.
I think we’re seeing a similar action in today’s Washington DC activities.
It seems to me that both the Democrats and Republicans are guilty.
We have governing bodies that appear to have forgotten that they
were elected by the American people to govern and protect them. Instead, they seem to have only one thing in mind and that
is to beat the other guys, to win.
As a nation we have a multitude of problems, both home based and
The Affordable Care Act, aka, Obamacare, has many separate issues
ranging from costs to implementation. I once took a course in problem solving and decision making. It served me well throughout
my professional career. One thing they taught us was the importance of making a sound potential problem analysis in any process.
I think our political representatives would have benefited greatly from that course because it seems that they never consider
the possible implications of their actions.
After a 15 day shutdown, the government was back in operation
after a “deal” was reached between Democrats and Republicans. Furloughed government employees returned to work
and will be paid for the “off” days. It seems that the Republicans are the big losers in this situation. Obama
got virtually everything he wanted and gave up virtually nothing in return. A schism has been developed between the Tea Party
faction and moderate Republicans.
However, all this “deal” accomplished was to, as they
say, kick the can down the road for several months.
I remember the President saying that he won the election and so
he received a mandate to do what he wants, It didn’t matter to him that there were a majority of Republicans voted in
the Congress also. He basically said that it was his ball and if you wanted to play the game, he would set the rules. If not,
he’d take his ball and go home. The bickering never stopped, but apparently, the Republicans didn’t have another
I can hardly wait to see what happens next.
Near the end of August, a news item was released concerning one
Ayo Kimathi, who calls himself the “irritated genie”.
Kimathi, a black man, has been employed since 2009 by the Immigration
& Customs Dept., a division of the Department of Homeland Security as a manager in charge of buying weapons and ammo for
the government.
It was discovered that he was running a website called WOH. He
received the necessary approvals to operate the site because he said it was to sell concert and lecture videos.
In reality, the WOH stands for War on the Horizon and is basically
a venue for him to spout vicious anti white, anti gay, as well as well as anti mixed races, and anti blacks that integrate
with white, diatribes.
On the site he not only warns but encourages a coming race war.
The site declares “in order for black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a
lot of whites”. We have heard this kind of venomous oratory before, too many times. Because of this man’s position
as a federal employee, I find this instance particularly onerous.
There are dozens of other descriptions of his web site, none of
which is particularly kind.
However, the worst part of this story if the fact that it was
followed up recently by an update that states that he was placed on “paid administrative leave.”
Interestingly, this story received very little ink or air time
from the media.
The phrase “paid administrative leave” really riled
me. It seems that most every time I hear or see this phrase, it refers to a taxpayer supported employee. I’ve heard
it used when talking about teachers that were accused of abusing children. Recently, I heard it used when talking about Nidal
Hasan, the Fort Hood murderer who killed 13 and wounded 32 unarmed military men in 2009.
If ever there was a case that defied our justice system, military
or civilian, this was it.
Hasan was a major in the Army, a psychiatrist. His cruel and vicious
attacks were witnessed by dozens, if not hundreds of people. He has been confined
to prison since then but because of army procedures he has received his salary all the same. At this point, it totals about
$300,000. The army says that their policy is to pay until proven guilty, their version of “paid administrative leave”
I guess. In this case, there was no doubt as to his guilt, just his motivation. The powers to be decided that this was an
act of workplace violence, not terrorism. Are they kidding me???? Hasan was reciting the fanatic chants as he was pulling
the trigger, witnessed by many people. Are they trying to say that he simply went postal? Give me a break!
I could drag this out forever but I won’t. I feel very strongly
that in many instances paid administrative leave is a reward. Why can’t the very people we trust to run our government
activities, make a judgement as to whether or not these law breakers should continue to be paid? I think that any normal employee,
not tax payer subsidized, would be fired or at least put on unpaid leave. The same should happen to our government employees.
VFB © Sept.
Recently, I wrote an article wherein I used the phrase “Remember
the Alamo!”. It had little to do with the subject which was about Benghazi,
but it got me to thinking about its origin and current impact.
The Alamo was originally a Catholic mission,
near San Antonio, built as a base
for converting local Indians to Catholicism. In 1836, this Texas territory was
a prime objective for about 5 or 6 different groups including Mexico,
and a confederation of Texans, which numbered in the thousands and wealthy Mexican landowners, known as Tejanos. The conflict
between these 2 groups became violent and ended up with a group of less than 200 dissidents, including women and children,
turning the mission into a fort and awaiting an attack by the Mexican army, led by Gen. Santana, numbering about 2000. A fierce
battle ensued, which lasted until the next day. Among the Texan contingent were iconic American heroes Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett,
and William Travis, the acting military leader of the group. By dawn only the women, children, a black man, and 6 men were
still alive. All the other men were killed during the battle. Santana ordered the surviving 6 men executed the next morning.
The reaction was immediate. Using the war cry “Remember
the Alamo”, an army of about 900 men was recruited and after several weeks, led by Sam Houston,
and after a series of retreats and diversionary tactics, a successful surprise attack was made on the Mexican army, defeating
Santana, and resulting in the acquisition of the area for the US.
The phrase “Remember the Alamo”
became an iconic cry for freedom in Southwest America.
All that being said, it occurred to me in writing the article
I mentioned, that the phrase could have been equally used by the Mexicans. After all, they wanted the territory too!
That thought led me down another path.
I live in near a town in north NJ that is heavily populated by
Hispanics, many of whom are Mexicans. A quick check on Google showed that there were 11.7 million Mexicans legally registered
in the US in 2011. It’s estimated that Mexicans comprised
59% of illegal immigrants that year. Who knows for sure how many illegal/undocumented there are? The birth rate among this
group is quite high. It would seem that they are already a large, influential group in states like CA, NM, AZ, TX, and even
CO. I believe that Hispanics are now the largest ethnic group in CA. Compounding the
situation is the fact that the country of Mexico has not been
exactly a good friend to the US. Perhaps we should start thinking
about how many of them also have the rallying cry “Remember the Alamo!”
“Putin Russia
one step ahead of the US diplomatically in the Syria
situation!” That’s what some are saying about Vladimir Putin, the Russian President as regards to recent actions
in the Syria crisis regarding chemical warfare.
At this point, I tend to agree. It seems that Putin, an ex KGB man, who is
no stranger to conducting, authorizing, and directing atrocities in his own country, seems to have pulled the rug from under
Pres. Obama’s feet.
It seems that Putin recognized the indecisiveness and lack of leadership or
direction in Obama’s actions when he proposed attacking Syria
as retaliation for chemical warfare, then backed off. Obama drew a “red line”, then backed off. Apparently, Putin
thought the red line was, in reality, a “pink line” and decided to take advantage of the situation.
I, for one, am not surprised by Obama’s vacillations. After all, what
could be expected from a man elected president that had no management, business, government, international, or political experience.
He was elected almost entirely based on his keynote speech at the 2004 democratic convention. It’s true that he is an
outstanding orator; an exceptional speaker. I can’t deny that. His education as a lawyer prepped him for that. But can
you think of just one memorable quote attributed to him.
Is there anything compared to Harry Truman’s “The buck stops here!”
or John F. Kennedy’s “ Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”
Or “Ich bin a Berliner!”. How about Ronald Reagan’s “Please Mr. Kruschev, tear down this wall.”
Then there’s George W. Bush’s “I have a different vision of leadership. A leadership is someone that brings
people together.” Finally, how about Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”
I thoroughly enjoyed Obama’s speech in 2008. It was thoughtful, moving,
and provocative. However, since then no speech has affected me in the same way. He speaks eloquently but says little of import
or impact. That’s what has happened lately.
He has seesawed back and forth on what he was going to do about Syria.
He wavered several times. Then, Putin stepped in and suggested a possible resolution. Of course, Assad,
Syria’s president assented to Putin’s proposal. Then Obama’s
and his people changed their stance. It was like watching a game of musical chairs with 3 people and 2 chairs. At this point,
it looks like Obama lost and is left without a seat. It will be interesting to see what transpires over the next few weeks.
You had to know that this was going to happen someday!
A group of about a dozen Spanish speaking custodial workers in
Colorado are suing their employer for not providing instructions and information
to them in their native language.
What a surprise!
Hispanics are getting very preferential treatment in the US
as of the present time. They can take their drivers’ tests in Spanish. Most official documents are available in Spanish.
Even major stores are now making their signs and banners in English and Spanish. In addition, most public facilities have
Spanish speaking people on hand.
This has never happened for other ethnic immigrant factions. The
Irish, Jewish, Polish, German, and other ethnic groups all had to learn English or provide some sort of interpreter when needed.
Even the Chinese laborers that worked so tirelessly to connect the East Coast to the West coast with a rail line were given
no special considerations. My own family, of Slovak background, provided that service for immigrant relatives when needed.
The thought of suing an agency because they didn’t cater to our own language was never even considered.
In the lawsuit, the immigrant janitors claim that the lack of
written and oral communication in their own language has created dangerous working conditions. I have to wonder what kind
of danger threatens janitors. They aren’t being asked to disarm a bomb. How dangerous can mopping or sweeping floors,
emptying waste baskets, or any other janitorial task be?
These kinds of lawsuits should never be allowed. They eat up the
courts time and cost taxpayers a lot of money.
Victor F. Banko
(C) Dec. 3, 2015